
heidi klum goes to india

heidi klum went to india and came back with some new color ideas and designs.  still jet-lagged and dizzy from various indian spices, she sat down to create an inspired group of exotic beauty products.  she was just dying to start the new makeup line! after begging and pleading with them, victoria's secret company finally let her do it! ...  well, this probably isn't exactly the way it happened, but....

some items of interest are:

the rest- same-ole, same-ole...  :)  check out the video!

(what i would really like to know is where she got that dress and those bracelets!)
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bosu and i are now friends

it happened the other day, while narrowing my workout class choices down to fit my schedule... which basically means the day had gone by way too fast and well, i had not yet worked out!! horrors! it became obvious that the only class that i could get to was BOSU!!! ughh.... cue beethoven here.

what is a bosu? sounds perhaps like a japanese food or maybe a massage?  a bosu is a piece of equipment that is incorporated into a fitness workout.  much like it's cousin "the stability ball", the bosu is inflated and is supposed to help strengthen the body's core and assist in obtaining greater balance...the difference is that the bosu is a half-ball, with a hard plastic base. (some would even say "hemisphere", but why get so technical?)

now, i have had other opportunities to become acquainted with the bosu....usually for floor work, such as sit-ups, crunches, or planks, but for an entire class? ...how boring would THAT be?

apparently, a guy named david weck invented the device and started making these things out of his father's garage to sell.  BOSU stands for "both sides up" or "both sides utilized", depending upon whether you are referring to the product or the "philosophy of BOSU".   the first athletic team to train using the bosu was the u.s. ski team!

well, i discovered that yes, you can workout out for an entire hour with a bosu! ...and yes, you will like working out with it!  do you remember how much fun it was to try to jump on a pogo stick or learn hoola hoop?  the boso turns a regular, run-of-the mill aerobic class into something slightly tricky and challenging. the trick is that instead of the floor or a regular aerobic step, you do most all of the normal exercising on the BOSU! ...even running in place!  i could almost say the workout was fun! (almost...) :)
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cool, cool site. put make-up on over and over, without having to wash your face!! (...or buy it.)

it's a little amazing how much time I have spent on this site!  I guess I can make myself feel a little better by knowing that it would have taken me over a week to drive to all of the stores and actually try the makeup out on my own face!  LOL!  this site has me even reconsidering colored contacts!(probably not really...but it's a fun thought!) 

try it out yourself!  go crazy.  all you have to do is give them an email address and a passcode.  after you get started, just be sure to edit your privacy settings.  choose whether or not you want your makeover to be private or public.  who knows!?  you may want to show the world your gorgeous new face!!

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the workout discovery

ballet and tap throughout grade school, followed by a brief anti-social period of teen weirdness and then onto jane fonda cassette tapes in college, i have always tried to "workout".

i dabbled back and forth with fitness.  having always been tall and relatively thin, i never worried a whole lot about it.  every once in while, I would see pictures of myself and think, "hmmmm, what's up with that crappy posture?"  or "who is that ....oh, that's me!" 

during my first pregnancy, i enrolled in a "prenatal" exercise class.  the whole, yes-i'm-pregnant-and-i'm-still-working-out thing had not yet "caught on" at the time, it was the early 90's.  but, being always on the cutting edge of what's exactly acceptable and normal, i leafed through my prenatal materials, and, upon finding the number for the downtown YMCA, enrolled my moody, bloated self into a class. the whole process was rather empowering!  at the end of the 6-8 week class, i found myself missing the group comradery , the music and the energy!  i enrolled for a second class before my daughter was born.

after the birth of my daughter, i discovered a fitness class that met in a church fellowship hall and incorporated contemporary christian music into the routine.  i loved it!  the class was called "body and soul".  it met twice a week in the evenings.  i enlisted the help of my younger siblings, who at the time were young, full of energy and not-yet-tired-parents of their own offspring.  they eagerly agreed to drive the half hour out to the boondocks, where i lived, so that i could eagerly drive my spandex-ed, post-pregnant body to the first presbyterian church for a workout!

this lasted for a little while, maybe a year or so.  soon, LIFE caught onto the fact that i was actually working out on a regular basis and put the breaks on that....

stay tuned for more of my amazing discovery of the wonderful world of fitness and how it is the main activity, aside from plastic surgery, that can totally change your appearance and overall confident attitude!!
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