This brings me to my latest discovery~ ZUMBA! This class is now being offered at my local gym, bodyFIT! I have taken it twice. The first time was so much fun! The music, the dancing! Wow, you can ask my friends and they will tell you, it put me in a really good mood!
The second time was fun, but I was kinda in a bad mood when I got there and I just couldn't get into the music! But, I'm going to keep at it! Our instructor, Tamela, is awesome, awesome! Wow, she can dance!
Zumba is great fun if you are looking for something different to burn calories. The music is completely varied and multicultural. The room is kept dark ~ yay! I have often debated whether or not to put some vodka in my water bottle... hmmmm? I mean, the tagline IS "Ditch The Workout, Join The Party!"
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